Residential Solar

Rooftop Solar will reduce your energy bills

The 4C Company will help you benefit from the renewable energy revolution. The free electricity from our solar PV panels will lower your electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint. You can chose to have a completely free system, or a paid-for system which also gives you Government-backed Feed-in and Export Tariff income. Reduce the impact of rising electricity prices with a solar PV system from Green Nation Home Solar

How much energy will the panels generate?

The amount of energy depends on a number of factors. There is now considerable data on the performance of system for this estimate to be accurate. An optimal system will generate around 1,000kWh for every kW installed. So a 4kW system will generate 4,000kWh per year.

Lower your electricity bills

Simple installation

Immediate benefits

the right choice

Our Energy Consultants are experienced in designing systems as well as explaining the fantastic returns you can expect from investing in green energy technologies.